Enchanting Discovery

Imagine going out to the planting boxes in your backyard to mix in new soil and prepare the dirt for some spring planting.  Imagine you are digging, with a shovel, beginning to mix the soil together when you see fur, movement, and tiny eyes.  Savanna was very surprised and yelled for Dad until he came over to investigate.

Buried about 5 inches beneath the surface is a small nest with 4 tiny rabbits cuddled together.

There is something about a new born animal small enough to fit in the palm of your hand that is enchanting.

Baby bunnies were the last thought as the children went to bed last night and the first thought they had as they woke this morning.

Even Clark wants to touch them!  We are trying to leave them alone and make sure they stay warm and protected until they grow a bit more and hop away to permanent homes.    Until then, we have a small piece of wonder and magic living in our back yard.


  1. How fun! I would have loved that as a kid.

  2. What an exciting surprise. Isaac would love those bunnies WAY too much.

  3. Wow!! That is really a little miracle in your backyard. How incredible.

  4. Wow, that is amazing! What a special memory. So fun!


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