Good times.

I am a very traditional photographer.  I NEVER edit my images.  It takes too much time, its not fun and then I feel like my photos are 'fake'.  Until today.  I downloaded a few actions for photoshop from Pioneer Woman and they are awesome.
I have had some good times with them.  

Still, I think it's cheating, don't you?

Oh and by the way... its SNOwiNG AGaIN!  


  1. Beautiful photos! I love how there is the ability to cheat ... and enhance a photo!

  2. Great pictures. I don't mind the enhancement b/c it's the kids that are so cute. All the other stuff is just additional. And bummer about the snow!

  3. your pictures are always great - you don't need to cheat anyway! but i love these. what a handsome brood you have. :)

  4. Ditto to what Courtney said. It has been awhile since I looked at blogs. I loved the lamp and yes my house does look like that and it feels insurmountable but in reality it would take 10 min. to clean. I know the feeling.


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