
I thought I would sneak downstairs early a few minutes before the kids were awake to get some laundry started and check my email.  On my way downstairs I realized that I was not the only one awake  (6am!).

I love finding my children together doing sweet things.  I love it when a 5 year old brother tells his 3 year old sister that she can snuggle in his bed and he will read to her.  Mornings like this are my favorite.



  1. that is so sweet! glad you got a picture of it. :)

  2. Really? This happens in your house? What am I doing wrong?
    It's really lovely, nonetheless.

  3. so sweet! unfortunately waking up at my house means screaming for mom or running all over the house until finding her. xo

  4. Aren't those moments the best! Way to capture it. That's awesome. Love ya!


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