This poor girl...

This is my three year old's life for the past two months:

Vomit for 4 days.  Be ok for 5 days.  Vomit for 2 days. Be ok for 3 days.  Vomit for 3 days.  Be ok for 4 days.  Vomit for 3 days, be ok for 7 days.  You get the idea, right?  For two months now, on and on.  The longest the vomiting goes is for 4 days and the longest break we have had is 7 days.  We spent another day at the doctor today.  More tests, 6 vials of blood drawn for tests.  She was so good, not even a bit of crying.  My poor girl, last night as another round began and I was holding her hair back (this is the one thing I can do for her that she likes, that comforts her) she cried to me 'Mom, why won't my sickness go away?'

Oh my heart ached at that moment.  I am wondering the very same thing.  I'm sad for a 3 year old girl who should be having much more fun than this.  I'm just sure there is something strange going on - she is swelling and her skin is breaking out in welts too.  Anyone out there know what this is?  Even today, at the doctor, not 2 mintues after they had swiped that thermometer across her forehead, a streak of red swelling right where it had touched her skin formed.  For now we are on Zofran (to try to stop the vomiting) and dairy avoidance.  While we wait for the tests results I told Kurt my conclusion:
She is allergic to not having a home!  :)

still sailing,


  1. I had no idea she was doing so poorly. Oh, that's terrible. I'm *actually* frowning right now.
    I hope you get this figured out.

  2. I agree with your diagnosis. Come be in our home. We love you.

  3. Poor Emma! I hope the Zofran helps, it has been a wonder drug in our house. I will pray for sweet Emma specifically along with you and your family. I love you!

  4. Oh poor girl. We will pray for her.

  5. We will add her and you to our prayers too.

  6. oh ems, that is horrible! no fun for her to be sick all the time and no fun for her mom to feel so helpless. wish i had some answers for you - but we will add emma and your family to our prayers along with the others. xoxo

  7. Poor Emma! That is just awful! Keep us updated on her condition! We love you and will continually pray for your family and her health!

  8. I'm so sorry. I hope they can figure out what it is very soon. We love you and will pray for her to heal!


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