Shining stars

This week we had Savanna's recorder performance at the school the same night as the art show.  Madeline was sad that we could never find where in the school her piece was pinned up - I guess it got mixed up with another class; but hey, if she wasn't sad about that she would have just found something else to be upset about!

The recorder performance was really fun, when that many students are playing together it sounds spectacular!

Madeline had her chance to shine today during her piano recital.  She did a wonderful job before we had to rush out early to make it to soccer.

It's cold and raining again.  More snow coming tonight.  I've given up hope on a lot of things, and spring is one of them.


  1. I'm just noticing my comments have not been showing up...not sure this one will either;) BUT, wanted you to know that the fact that spring is not there yet is making me sad for you. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!? I guess I can give up my perfect hindsight view of Colorado having the most fabulous weather in the world. Maybe this can make me stop wanting to move there...;) Love you!

  2. I remember playing the recorder as a kid. It was a ton of fun!

    We are just getting our very first tastes of Spring here in Cache Valley -- we've had a few scattered nice days here and there, but for the most part it's been snowy, rainy, cold, and yucky. It's been nice the past couple of days, though, and was a nice reprieve before the insane windstorm that swept through last night and today. I am really ready for some real Springtime weather, but have a feeling we're not going to get it -- we'll just head right into summer without any warning. I'm sad that the weather is getting you down so much. If I controlled the weather, I'd send a nice warm sunny day your way.

  3. Maybe the weather is trying to take you back to college. Not safe to plant until memorial day there. First of June is garden planting time. Unless you want to go cover your plants half the time. Sorry your little guy has been having such a rough time!

    I loved the recorder in elementary and remember spending hours practicing, I a sure my mom loved that!

  4. your girls look so grown up! holy cow!


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