Flying Lessons

Lesson 30:
Sometimes you just have to do what you just have to do.
For me this is way too big of a deal.  I packed up my camera today to send in for repairs.  OH!  Can I live without my camera?  I don't know.... it's going to be a test.  But I figured I better get it fixed and back in time for some family photo shoots and so I can have great pictures of the new baby.
Seriously, though.  I find myself telling my children this and it is an important lesson.  You just have to take care of things when they need taking care of.  I know from experience that when you let them go on for too long past the point of needing attention I wish I would have addressed them earlier.  I'm still learning this.
We do have a little digital point and shoot camera around.... how spoiled and sassy am I that it seems an insult to me to try to capture a Halloween photo of my children with that little thing?  I know... poor me.
Here is the beginning of some very sad, photo - free blog posts.
