As it turns out...

We paid $80 to have a furnace guy come out and let us know that our children had packed the outside vent full of rocks/mud/dirt so the furnace shut itself off so it will not overheat.
whew.  it could have been much worse news and cost much more. I'm still laughing and also wanting to yell at the 'nobody' who participated at the same time.  :)

Not 60 minutes after he left a hose came unhooked from the running washing machine, spraying water all over the laundry room and the washer quit working.  whAT in the WoRld???

I'm laughing today because if I don't I'll cry.  And laughing is so much better, don't you agree?

Next time your furnace won't work make sure your children haven't packed the vent full of mud (why didn't I think of that?).
sailing on,


  1. oh wow. I hope you got the furnace working now! all you can do is laugh in that situation and count it as a funny memory in years to come. Love you!

  2. I haven't read anyone's blog in a really long time, but I'm glad I read yours tonight. Life is crazy, isn't it? I just wanted you to know you're not alone on the kids and appliances front - our washer was leaking water out the front for a long time, but I put off calling anyone because of finances - I just always kept towels around the washer.. Eventually we found out that the boys had put Legos in the detergent drawer, and they had made it down the hose to the drum.. And yeah, we could have built a whole star wars spaceship out of the Legos we got out of there.


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