Light No. 52, Year End

I'm ready to start a new year.  I'm excited about the prospects of a clean slate, new beginnings, another chance to do more and be better.

I do feel like finding more light has been a success for me in 2012.  I also realize that in many ways I have not been specific enough about the how of that.  That will be changing for 2013.

I have so much to be thankful for in 2012; we have been blessed.  We have been protected and watched over; all is well.

I have many improvments to make and I'm happy about the new year to begin the new work.  I'm just sure I can do better than I have done in the past.  I'm sure I can take just one more step each day and try a little bit more and be more.  I know I can open my heart more and smile more and love more and share more.  I am excited about my new word for 2013 and excited to grow and improve.

Christmas was a delight; full of so many smiles and hugs and thank you's and perfect little moments.   It will be hard for me to take the white lights down outside; I have loved to see them shining each night reminding me of so many things I have tried to do this past year.

Happy New Year!


  1. Love your post. I echo your sentiments! Here is to 2013!

  2. I enjoyed reading these all year. I'm so amazed that you stuck with it. You're incredible.


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