More Fun Times

May has filled us up and run wild.  We have had a whirlwind of fun activities and end of season get togethers.  As we head into June Kurt and I are getting ready to begin a round of Whole30.  I'll let you know how that goes.  My children are REALLY excited about cutting processed sugar out of our home for 30 days, believe me!  I'm having a hard time getting through this pregnany with any energy so I'm trying to put everything I can in my corner!  We will see how I feel. 

 Savanna rescued a baby bird that landed at our home and took good care of it until it's parents found it again and were feeding it and helped it back to their home.  It was really fun and sweet to see.
We all think Faye is so funny and cute to watch that often we sit down and just laugh about the things she does and says.

Clark started speech therapy and I'm learning so much about the muscle of the tongue and what we need to work on with him.  I *hope* this is the last lingering issue we need to tackle right now from all of his delayed development / health struggles.  Knock on wood for me! 
It has been a blast to work with the horses in warmer weather.  The outdoor arena feels so free and it's fun to see how different all the horses look with their winter coats shaved.  I didn't know this but a lot of their markings don't show through their long winter coats so 4 horses that looked all the same a few weeks ago now have very distinct differences in their white coats.  This pony looks so different without his shaggy winter coat that we hardly recognized him. 
We had another epic birthday party at my parents' house for my  nephew.  It's not a good idea to blindfold a pregnant lady and spin her in cirlces and then expect her to actually HIT the pinata!
Did I mention that we think Faye is pretty cute right now?
We had a fun, fast and furious visit from Grandma and Grandpa and had a great time at Madeline's school play.  
Oh man life is fun, isn't it?  One of the reasons why I love photos so much is that it reminds me about all the good times we have had over the past two weeks.  It's a chaotic ride here with this bunch but I can honestly say that we spend a lot of time together and we really do have fun.  It reminds me that I have incredible children and that we are trying hard to do what we feel is right for them. 
Have a great Memorial Day!
